Sunday, March 28, 2010

Colour - where to from here?

I have a personal desire to explore and work with colours.

I have a set of questions that I want to explore:
  • How do colours affect emotions?
  • Why is combining light different from combining paint?
  • How can colours be described?
  • How can colours of nature be represented in manmade environments?
  • Are the rules of colour use the same for different contexts?
  • Different media, different techniques, different rules?

And some more philosophical ones:

  • How can hunger for colour be satisfied?
  • What does a simulation of nature lack?
  • What is it about sky blue, sun yellow and pear tree green that is magic?
  • How will I know when I have finished?
  • Can I study colour using blue biro on white paper, or black type on a white background?

And some more websites:

Next steps:

  1. to look at Color Theory Lesson 1 - done 28/3/10
  2. to find the colour scheme website I used with COM201 in 2008
  3. to look at Color Theory Lesson 2

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