Thursday, April 29, 2010

String Handling Part 2

Program Example 15 is also similar to a program we wrote in QBasic - the Sentence one. It counts the number of spaces to work out the number of words in a sentence. It also uses an array to keep track of how times each letter occurs in the sentence. New string functions are CHR and ASC.

Questions to answer:

  1. What is a pangram?
  2. What is ASCII?
  3. Explain what CHR and ASC do and give some examples.
  4. What is the significance of the ranges 65-90 and 97-122 in the comments of the blue-book-code?
  5. Explain what the AddToArray subroutine does from the time it is called until it ends. You may find it helpful to your understanding to sketch the Letters array.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

String Handling

Remember strings? They are the data type that holds letters, spaces, words and text. In QBasoc we used

  1. LEN(mystring) to find the length of a string

  2. LEFT$(mystring, x) to find the first x characters of a string

  3. RIGHT$(mystring, x) to find the last x characters of a string

  4. MID$(mystring, y, x) to find x characters of a string starting at position y

A common technique used with strings is to use a FOR loop to cycle through the letters in the string:

FOR i = 1 to LEN(mystring)

PRINT MID$(mystring, i, 1)


What are the equivalent techniques for these functions in Visual Basic? See Program Example 14 String Handling 1.

Style Guides

A style guide describes the way that set of pages (or documents) will be made to look as though they belong together. You can read what wikipedia has to say about style guides.

Things to think about when designing a style guide include:

  • Colour scheme

  • Font selections, including size, style etc

  • Headings and sub-headings

  • Page layout

  • Page numbering

  • Headers and footers

  • Alignment

In your second project this year, you need to consider how to show clearly which of the following topics each page relates to: Skills (AS 90368), Project (AS 90349) or Community Responsibilities (AS 90773). Ways of doing this include

  • Putting the text in either header or footer

  • Using a different coloured page heading

  • Printing on different colour paper

  • Having an icon or graphic that represents the topic

  • Using a table of contents and/or appendices

  • Designing a page with a space for Skills, Project, and Community Responsibilities to use for all work.
Remember that for your style guide to help your readers, you (may) need to explain it - no point in having a code if you don't tell people what it means. However some people would argue that really good design does not need explaining...

Extra for Experts:

  • Which sorts of technologists use style guides?
  • Why do technologists use style guides?
  • Can you find any style guides?
  • What sort of things are included in style guides?
  • How might your knowledge of style guides "inform your practice"?

Friday, April 23, 2010


  1. Find my version of the matrix program in iNet and have a play with it.
  2. Can you fix the bug that has 1s and 2s showing up instead of 10s and 11s at one point?
  3. Do the first three suggestions for consolidation in the blue booklet.
  4. Describe how the cursor behaves in this program.
  5. What other cursor options are there?
  6. If you need to practice with random numbers and arrays do the tasks from the blue booklet.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gantt Charts Part 2

Remember that one of the points of a Gantt chart is to show how your project developed over time. There are different ways of showing this. You may have
  1. used a symbol to show when each job was done
  2. used a colour code to show the actual time you spent on each task
  3. written comments next to each task to explain changes you made
  4. done nothing after printing the original Gantt chart.

If you did 1, 2, 3 or another sensible thing, you should print what you did.

If you did 4, you should hand-write notes on your print-out about how long each thing took and what changes you needed to make to your timeline.

Pseudocode Task

1. Log in to Moodle and find Programming -> Visual Basic (Enrolment code is Oscar)
2. Find topic on Pseudocode.
3. Read resources and write pseudocode for Craps – hand in on paper for marking.

Diagrams Task

1. Check the posters over Melanie’s and Jonathan’s computers to remind yourself of flow charts and structure diagrams.

2. Make a structure diagram to show the “big picture” of the Number Game 1 program. Don’t spend more than 10 minutes attempting this – then see me OR find and read the file Planning for Visual Basic Programs. Use this method to make a similar plan for the Number Game 1 program.

3. Make a flow chart to show the details of the Compare button code.

4. Hand in for marking.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Moving Buttons

The Moving Buttons program is very annoying!

You can find it in iNet --> DigiTech by searching or using your brain.

To make it work, copy it to your desktop (or your home drive if you want to keep it.)

Run it and experiment.

Copy the code into a Word document.

Use the coloured high-lighter tool and a key to identify which part of the code does each of the "learning goals" from the blue booklet.

Choose one part of the code (one sub-routine) to explain in English.

Hand it in for marking or talk to me about it!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There are two sorts of evaluation that you need to do:

  1. Evaluating what you have created by commenting on each specification in your refined brief. You should give your own opinion and (if possible) opinion from stakeholders.

  2. Evaluating your technological practice. See last year's blog post for details on this.

A third place where the word evaluation appears is in the Code of Practice sheets. In this case, it is asking you to provide evidence of how you have followed the rules for that Code of Practice.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Once you have justified your best solution, you need to investigate it further.

This means that you will experiment with your chosen way of solving the problem.

The way you will experiment/investigate depends on the type of solution.

Questions to consider include:

  • Will the solution I am suggesting do the job that the client wants?

  • What features does the software have? How will they help you to meet the client's needs?

  • What products are on the market that could meet your client's needs? How much do they cost?

  • Will the people who have to use your solution find that it works for them? Does it fit their existing work patterns?

  • What further information do I need to convince my client that this is their best choice?

  • How does the software you are suggesting work? How easy is it to use?
  • What are the limits of your proposed solution? For example, is there a maximum file size or a limit on the number of users or reduced functionality unless you pay?

Before asking for help on this one, write some of your own questions for investigation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Features of a blog as a blog owner

When you own a blog there are different things that you can do to manage your blog.
For example, you can change the settings for comments. In Blogger, under Settings --> Comments you can
  • show or hide comments
  • control who is allowed to comment
  • change how the comments are displayed
  • turn word verification on or off
  • and lots more!

When you are exploring your proposed solution, you should be looking at these sort of details as they will help to justify why your solution is "fit for purpose".

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Managing your files!

Have just performed a mid-holiday rescue mission for a nameless class member who lost their USB stick and did not have a backup at home.

There is a well-known theory of insurance that states "no-one can ever afford all the insurance they should have." Backups are the same, and just like insurance, you only realise how important they are when you need them.

Until they invent a way of carrying your files around attached to your body, the chances of losing your storage device are significant. You should

  1. Label your USB stick with your name

  2. Put a file on your USB stick called yourname

  3. Have a backup copy at school

  4. Have a backup copy at home

  5. Consider using an online storage facility or working on Google Documents.

Even a modern-day Swiss Army Knife can't stop you from leaving it behind!