Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friday 28th August

Good afternoon, Year 10. Today's work is about applications.

Applications are computer programs that let you do specific jobs.
Use this web page to make notes on the three different sorts of interface:
  1. Text
  2. Text and menus
  3. Graphical

Then use the right-hand menu on the same page to make brief notes on the different sorts of applications:

  1. Word Processing
  2. DesktopPublishing
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Database
  5. Graphics
  6. Presentations
  7. Communications
  8. Browser
  9. Web Pages
  10. Email
  11. Project Management
  12. PIM
  13. Integrated & Suites

Then do the quiz.

Your period's work should either be posted on your blog or emailed to

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thursday 27th August

Instructions for Year 10

Good morning, everyone. Your work for Thursday is to investigate Web 2.0. One of the great things about Web 2.0 is that everything can be labelled with tags, also called labels in Blogger, or key words when you are searching. At the top left of my blog, you should see a white box labelled Search Blog. If you type Web 2 into this box and click on Search Blog, you will find all my posts that have labels of Web 2. On Monday March 9th, I posted some questions about Web 2 and used the label of Web 2. You will need to do some research to answer these questions. Please email your period's work to me at

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hardware Task

Your job is to use hardware and software to describe hardware! You are allowed to be creative! You will hand in your work at the end of the period by emailing it as an attached file to

Hardware to use
· Your computer and its attached “peripherals”
· Headset and microphone
· Webcam

Software to use
· Anything you like that is on the school network

Questions to cover are:
Why do computers need hardware?
Find a definition of hardware - copy it and say where the definition came from.
Explain the difference between hardware and software in your own words.
Hardware can be split into four sorts: input, output, processing and storage. Give an example of each sort of hardware.
What special hardware do networks need?
What hardware is used by other sorts of DigiTech?

Things to do with hardware:
  1. Use a webcam to take pictures of hardware in the room and add to your work.
  2. Use a headset to record your voice talking about hardware. You could add this to your PowerPoint, or save it as a separate file.

Things to do with software:

  1. Use PhotoStory to make a video about hardware.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Evaluating Technological Practice

One of the tasks in your Gantt chart is to evaluate your technological practice. This means that you should write a page for your folders responding to questions like these:
  • How did your Gantt chart help you to organise yourself?
  • How did you use your project diary?
  • How could you organise yourself better if you did another similar project?
  • How well did you relate to your client and stakeholders?
  • How much did your code of practice research influence what you did during your project?
  • What have you learned from doing this project?
  • How did storyboarding help you to plan your video?

Don't just copy and paste the questions!

Do write full sentences and paragraphs!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


As you work towards completing your video project, keep an eye on the time. We have one CD writer in C3, so you can't all burn CDs at the same time! And if you want to make a sticky label for your CD, there is only one computer that can do this and it has been taking people a couple of periods to do this. I will provide you with a CD. If you want a case for it, you need to provide your own. As I write this, I am thinking that we need a booking sheet for the CD writer and labeller. And it might be useful for you to make a day-by-day plan of what you still need to do to have your project complete by the due date of September 18th.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


When you have finished making your video, you need to evaluate it thoroughly.
To write your final evaluation do this:
  • find your refined brief
  • start with a statement of what you have made and who you have made it for
  • for each specification in your refined brief, say whether you have done it or not
  • for each specification you have not done, explain why
  • summarise the feedback you got from stakeholders
  • state how well you think you have solved the problem

Friday, August 14, 2009

Presenting your CD

You should give some thought to presenting your CD. Questions to think about include
  • how to label it
  • how to package it
  • what information needs supplying with it

Note that it will be marked by Cashmere teachers and then sent away for external marking with your folder.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Final Video Files

When your final files are completed you will need to put them on to a CD. There is a CD Writer in C3. It is usually in the drawer under the middle table. It looks as though you need to be logged on to the teacher computer to use it, though maybe you can take it to your computer and pulg it in. Joseph is going to be our class expert on using this, as he is the first to get to this point.
Things to consider include:
  • Size of your files - will they fit on the CD?
  • Names of your files - will they make sense to someone else?
  • Storing your CD safely.
  • Labelling your CD

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Use of Logos

You are required to find out about the terms of use of the Christchurch City Council logo. The search box on their website will help you to find information. You can also read their "Terms of Use".
The Rugby World Cup logo is harder to find information about. The contact details provided are only a postal address in Ireland. There are two versions of the logo for 2011, the official IRB one and the Rugby NZ one. The NZ Rugby Union website offers email contact details, but they do not show the World Cup logos on their home page so may not be able to grant permission.
If you are requesting permission, you could ask on behalf of the class and let us know how you get on.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Flickr for Photos

Finding good quality copyright-free images is a challenge. One option is to use Flickr, but you will need to do this at home as it is blocked at school. Like Google, Flickr has an advanced search option. At the bottom of the page there is an option to search within Creative Commons-licenced content. Check under Additional Information and look to see what the conditions of use are (may need to clcik on"some rights reserved".)

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Video Versions

You will be delighted to hear that consultation with Mr Molyneux convinced me that I was making things too hard for you!

Your assessment handout asked for the video to be provided in "two versions (one for the display screens and one for mobile phone distribution)". This is a requirement. What you should be thinking about here is whether your video will look good on a mobile phone screen - you may need to reconsider some design features for this version. Movie Maker and Elements both offer options when you save/export your project as a video. You need to explore the options and decide which is appropriate for your requirements.

Also, note that the CCC briefing paper suggested that it would be helpful to have "two versions of the video, one with spoken narration and one with a musical soundtrack added." If you put this into your refined brief, you need to do it.


A number of students are starting to ask me whether their video is good enough. This is not for me to decide. What you need to do is:
  • Check your Refined Brief for the specifications - have you done everything you said you were going to do? If not, why not?
  • If your Refined Brief does not have detailed specifications, refer back to Briefing Paper 1 for what the council wanted.
  • Check your assessment handout for what it requires from the video.
  • Get feedback from a range of other people.
  • Keep a record for your folder of each of these steps.

I suggest that you do all this before finally exporting/rendering your project files!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Getting feedback on your work

People are starting to ask me to look at their videos. I am happy to do this, but it is important to get feedback from a range of people. Ideally this would include people who are are in the target age group and are not working on the project themselves.

It is also good to have specific questions to ask them, so they do more than just say "great". Some possible questions to ask are:
  • What do you think the point of this video is?
  • Can you suggest any improvements?
  • What do you like best about it?
  • Would it make you want to come to Christchurch?
  • How clear is the link to the Rugby World Cup?