Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Year 10 Thursday 10th September

Good morning, Year 10. Today I am on a course, hoping to get some good ideas for our class project next term. There are two jobs that I want you to work on today:
  1. Consultation

For your collections project, you need to "consult the stakeholders". This means to ask questions of the person who owns the collection and anyone else who might care about it. Your goal is to understand the collection as well as possible, and to get some idea of what problems the collector has that you could help with. Good questions start with these words:

  • What...
  • Why...
  • When...
  • How...
  • Where....

Please write a list of questions for your collector, either my father Frank or a person of your choice. Email your questions to me. If your collector is not Frank, you should also either eamil your collector if you know their email address, or print the questions to take home for homework.

2. Preparation for Multimedia

Next term, we will spend a couple of weeks looking at multimedia, and we will make a story using PhotoStory. You can find the story here. Your job to day is to find (or create using Paint etc) pictures that will let you tell the story. I suggest you use Google images and save the images you find (right-click, save picture...) in a folder called shark story inside your DigiTech folder.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Year 10 Friday 4th September

Good afternoon, Year 10. Sorry I cannot be there today - I am not sick this week but have taken leave to travel out of town for the weekend.

It is hard for me to set relief about our collections project, so I am giving you a lesson out of sequence. It is about pictures in DigiTech, so it is still relevant but does not fit in this part of the course. To find it, go to iNet -> ICT -> Year 10 -> For Students -> Graphics, save in your DigiTech folder and fllow the instructions. Please do as much as you can - some parts are harder than others so if you are stuck on one question, try another one. Please email me ( your work at the end of the period.