Digital technologies
- List all the examples of digital technologies that you can find in the magazine.
- Choose one example from your list and research its history, uses and future.
- Make a poster about this piece of digital technology.
DigiTech careers
- List all the careers involving DigiTech that you can find in the magazine.
- Choose one career from your list and research the qualifications needed, the pay rates and what people do in this job. You might find this web site helpful.
- Make a poster (or presentation, or web site) about this career.
- Make a table for each competition in the magazine, showing what the prize is and what you have to do to enter.
- Decide which competition is the hardest, the easiest and the most fun.
- Have a look on the Actv8 web site and see if there are any current competitions you could enter.
- Pick one competition and work on an entry for it.
Further Studies
- Make a list of all the places you could study and all the scholarships you could apply for.
- Choose one of the places to study and find out more about it.
- Present the information you found in a way that you can then share with the class.
- Pick an article that interests you.
- Summarise its content.
- Analyse its layout and presentation.
- List further questions that you would like to ask about the content.