Thursday, February 14, 2008

UML A Beginner's Guide

Jason T. Roff

Knowing nothing about UML, other than a rough idea of what it is, I found this a very useful reference book and am ordering a copy for school from Fishpond.
Each module follows a similar format, addressing the topics of
  • defining the type of diagram described
  • explaining why the type of diagram is used
  • identifying the components of the diagram type
  • demonstrating how to make the diagram
Each module then offers a project that follows the "how to" steps, and then shows a model answer.
The book is supported by online diagram files (click the Code link on this page to download a zipped folder of the project diagram files).


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for your kind review. Let me know if you have any questions that I can help you with.

Anonymous said...

Hi karen, I'm doing an assignment on UML is there any chance you could upload the solution to the student grade recording system UML diagram. this would be greatly appreciated.