Sunday, February 10, 2008

Love Without Hope

By Rodney Hall 2007

Madness - or insanity, or even lunacy - are these set and scientific states, or are they labels applied to suit personal agendas?
In this book, an elderly lady is put into an institution controlled by the "Master in Lunacy". Other residents wear coir head protectors in case of epileptic fits. An equally elderly alcoholic doctor comes to a dramatic rescue, and there is a bull involved.
Quotes I liked:
"You are not dying because you are ill. You are dying because you are alive." Montaigne
And, describing a view from the main character's bedroom, when she thinks she can hear a storm approaching:
" Each tree stands in its customary pot of shadow. Upright remains upright. Reflections on the dam lie flat. And down at the sea's edge sculpted dunes expose flanged and sensuous curves to the sun. Grasshoppers swarm unharmed and unswept from the sky till the non-impeded birds swoop among them for a mid-air harvest."

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