Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Video Versions

You will be delighted to hear that consultation with Mr Molyneux convinced me that I was making things too hard for you!

Your assessment handout asked for the video to be provided in "two versions (one for the display screens and one for mobile phone distribution)". This is a requirement. What you should be thinking about here is whether your video will look good on a mobile phone screen - you may need to reconsider some design features for this version. Movie Maker and Elements both offer options when you save/export your project as a video. You need to explore the options and decide which is appropriate for your requirements.

Also, note that the CCC briefing paper suggested that it would be helpful to have "two versions of the video, one with spoken narration and one with a musical soundtrack added." If you put this into your refined brief, you need to do it.

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