Monday, July 27, 2009

Selecting footage

Selecting footage means making decisions for each video clip we have given you:
  1. Do I want to use it at all?
  2. Do I want to use all of it?
  3. What part(s) do I want to use?

The result of this stage might look like this:

ArtsCentre1: no. Better to use a still, but Art Gallery is not going to attract young people much.

Botanic Gardens: yes, but needs trimming at both ends, to give 10 seconds. Would be good to get a shot of canoes on river.

Interesting discussion: Storyboard before or after selecting footage? If you were taking your own footage, I would suggest storyboarding first. However when you have video clips given to you it makes better sense to decide which are good enough to use and how long they are before storyboarding.

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