Sunday, April 27, 2008


By Daniel Handler (aka Lemony Snicket) 2006
ISBN 978-0-06-072441-2

A weird concept this, with separate vignettes about people who may or may not be the same people. After all, sharing a name does not make two people identical! There is also an on-going thread of song lyrics, taxis, volcanoes, and birds (especially magpies). Having read a section in Creative Journal Writing by Stephanie Dowrick yesterday on free association, this book serves to illustrate the concept in an intriguing fashion.

A quote to explain the title:
"It is not the nouns. The miracle is the adverbs, the way things are none."
Each chapter has an adverb as its title, descriptive of the particular love story. Reminiscent of Love Actually, but less soppy.

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