Friday, March 07, 2008


Michael Crichton (2006)
ISBN 978 0 7322 8363 6

Another Rotorua purchase, this one is a thriller with a basis in genetics. It has some characters with surprising characteristics and poses questions about ethical practice in the field of genetic science. An author's note at the end gives Crichton's opinion on some of the core issues. I am not a genetics expert but it seemed to me that this book could be a useful starter for discussion around the issues for Biology students and I will offer it to my colleagues who teach Biology. The novel also talks about "wet art" so may be of interest to Art teachers as well! A section on Internet Sources at the end points to articles about
  • the Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi whose fat was removed by liposuction and then made into soap.
  • the Chilean artist who cooked meatballs in his own fat and served them for dinner.
  • the New Zealand boatie who powered his speedboat with fuel made of fat from his backside.
An interesting side issue to ponder is that the IT professional in the book invented a syndrome to explain the oddities of her stepson and embedded it in the Internet so that it looked real.
Overall a stimulating book and a great read.

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