Today is the local public holiday in memory of those lost in the earthquake. There has been a lot of debate about the timing for this event, with many feeling that it is too early. I also thought that it was too early, but after teaching for four days this week, our first week back, I was too tired to think straight yesterday afternoon and decided that a day off would be most welcome. I think that even those of us with minor damage and inconvenience and grief are still struggling to cope with the momentous events over the last month. Everyone says "are you OK?", and the stock answer is "Yes", but it is often a bit of an act, and it is hard to get behind the facade to check on how people really are.
Our friend who left town the day after the earthquake is back staying with us for a few days and wanted to go to the memorial service. I got out the map and looked for the place closest to Hagley Park that did not require me to cross Barrington St and Brougham St, two main roads that have been gridlocked lately. I dropped my friend off complete with sun-hat, water, sunblock, cushion, marshmallows, cell phone and emergency toilet paper, then came home to garden. Even though we have not been watering for three weeks the weeds have still grown, and I discovered cracks in the front garden - maybe due to drying out rather than earth movement, as the lawn and pavement do not seem to be cracked in the same places.
I watched some of the memorial service on TV and was pleased to see Prince William planting a new tree to begin the replacement of those that needed to be removed due to earthquake damage.
Then (22 February)
Once the power came back we were able to watch television. Our jaws dropped in disbelief at the scenes of our city crumbling, and the people - those in crisis, and those responding, helping, coming to the rescue. There was only so much we could take, and turned it off. Conversation flagged as shock and tiredness caught up with us. Phone calls and texts were made - friends, family, colleagues checked up on. We have a phone that does not need a separate power supply so were able to talk to some people that way before the power came back, phone lines permitting. I wish I had kept notes at the time, because I am finding it hard to remember this time with any confidence.